24 June, 2011

Information Science Through Writing in Media

A good image of the institution can be measured from the products and services of these institutions can be understood and felt the result by the community. It is to be built together from all elements of organizations and institutions with a strong spirit in disseminating science and technology.Willingness and enthusiasm that is needed is to give understanding and explanation in accordance with the language easily understood by many people.
Science and technology (science) has not become a culture that readily accepted by society at large is the homework for the whole community of science and technology to be acceptable either. So far, science and technology in the eyes of society is something that is difficult to understand easily and can be utilized as a tool in their daily lives easier. While science and technology produced by the children of the nation has produced many, but not to host in the land itself.
The struggle in disseminating science and technology to be accepted in their own country is not only the responsibility of science and technology community alone but also the media elements into one tool to further its reach in socialization. Media   especially the print media is one that can be reached by the whole community in getting the needed information. However, the criteria required in the print media that is easily understood by writing a very simple language.
Since a few years terakahir, some media that has not had a special rubric of science and technology today has provided a special section discusses the ipetk. This is a measure of the success of science and technology community in providing understanding and awareness of media plus in the fulfillment of information on science and technology for society. This success was carried out with a strong willingness and enthusiasm in providing information either through writing books, writing opinions, information services and technology and others.
For it on March 17, 2010 in the office of KRT, Public Relations Ministry of Research and Technology held a gathering under the PR-PR LPNK Kemenristek coordination with the theme of maintaining   sosilasasi success of science and technology in the print media. The purpose of this gathering is to make one word the entire PR-PR LPNK Research and Technology in improving science and technology information service for the public through print media ..
Maintaining more difficult than fighting for the Head of Public Relations said the KRT, Henry Bayu representing Head of Legal and Public Relations in the opening remarks Hospitality. Furthermore, according to Henry invites the improvement is not just waiting to be searched, but we wake up the spirit to give. Because by giving us will immediately answer what society needs. The answer is with good writing and language that is easily within the rubric of opinion.
Write notably different from writing in a scientific journalist, since all have the different rules. This required the writing of popular training for those who want to write. To answer that PR KRT ready to bridge the training of writing popular. In addition PR KRT will also bridge the science and technology community to be able to distribute the text to the media that requires.   Contribution of the writings of science and technology community that has been published in the media will be aggregated and used books Bridges with Africa Volume 3 Issue Th. 2010.
In addition to writing invitations Head of Legal and Public Relations KRT, Anny Sulaswatty also invited to do joint activities in the socialization of science and technology to society.
Present at the event throughout the vice-PR-PR LPNK koordianasi RISTEK under the BPPT, LIPI, BATAN, BAPPETEN, BSN, BAKOSURTANAL and LAPAN (humasristek / iwr).

Global Warming

Global warming or popular with the terms of Global Warming (GW) 
became one of the most hotly issues around the world lately. Conference 
Framework of the United Nations (UN) Climate Change 
or UNFCCC, held in Bali late last year is one proof 
the seriousness of this issue. The conference, which lasted for nearly two weeks 
managed to agree on the Bali Roadmap that will lead to Planet Earth 
face and especially against GW. 

GW has a very broad impact. Certainly not enough space to discuss 
everything in this paper, therefore I will focus on one issue only. 
How does the impact of GW on sovereignty, teruma when associated with 
increase in sea levels which affect the condition of the islands, the jurisdiction of the territory 
maritime and maritime boundaries of a coastal state with its neighbors? 

Understanding the Indonesian archipelago and the maritime boundary 
Indonesia is an archipelago with more than 17 thousand islands and adjacent 
with ten neighboring countries namely India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, 
Philippines, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Australia and Timor Leste. With the ten countries 
, Indonesia and maritime borders as well as land borders with three 
among which Malaysia (Borneo), Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste 
shown in Figure 1. 

Figure 1 Indonesia and ten neighboring 

As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has many small islands. According to Law 
No.. 27/2007, there are 92 small islands that are part of the Indonesian archipelago. 
For Indonesia, the small islands, especially those located on the edge of the island (island 
outer) has a strategic value. In the outer islands is placed dots 
which form the base of the archipelagic baselines. This base line covers the entire 
Indonesian archipelago and is a benchmark for measuring the width of the maritime area 
Indonesia (see Figure 2), both the territorial sea (12 nautical miles from baselines), the zone 
Additional (24 nautical miles), the exclusive economic zone (200 nautical miles) and the continental shelf 
(Up to 350 nautical miles or more). Baselines is also a reference in 
determine the maritime boundary line with neighboring countries in case of dispute or 
overlapping claims. 

Figure 2 Line the base and the outer limits of maritime zones 

GW and the sinking islands 
Various parties have published findings related to the increased temperature of the Earth 
led to a growing high-sea. Data reported by UN in the website 
climate change official said that during the 20th century, the increase in global temperature 
reached 0.74 ° C. If the concentration of carbon dioxide remains at number 550 ppm (parts per 
million), the increase in temperature could reach 2 to 4.5 ° C, with a best estimate 
at 3 ° C. In other words, if the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions do not 
seriously then a drastic increase in temperature can not be avoided. 

Another phenomenon which is observed as a result of global warming is melting ice in 
poles. It has been proven that ice cover in Antarctica (South Pole) and Greenland 
(North Pole) its mass decreases due to melting. This increases the high face 
sea ​​which reaches 17 cm during the 20th century. With the existing conditions, able 
estimated that the increase in sea levels at the end of the 21st century can be reached 
numbers 28-58 cm. 

One result of rising sea levels, was the sinking of small islands 
or lowlands. Regions in the Pacific Islands is a long is expected to 
GW affected the earliest. Kiribati, for example, is one of a small country in 
Pacific region who felt such concerns. Its president, Anote Tong, 
revealed in the annual South Pacific Forum in Fiji (2006) that the 
sinking of the islands within the next ten years, should merea 
soon find a place for refuge. 
Countries in the Pacific region is also prone affected by GW is Vanuatu, Marshall 
Islands, Tuvalu, and parts of Papua New Guinea. One village in Tegua Island, Vanuatu, 
for example, were forced to evacuate to higher ground by floods due to 
high rising waves. As a consequence of displacement, 
Australia and New Zealand are expected to be a major refugee destination 
remember the location closest to the small nations in the Pacific region. 

Meanwhile, in Indonesia have developed a more dramatic news. Indonesia 
expected to lose 2,000 islands by 2030 due to GW. This news 
really can not be trusted begiu circulated through the media because of informal and 
not issued by official institutions. However, one of the formal statement 
expressed by the head of BMG Yogyakarta, Jaya Murjaya in the National Seminar 
Geography at the State University of Yogyakarta in May 2007. When confirmed 
personal, Murjaya revealed that the statement also quoted from various 
sources. In other words, this is not the results of the study Murjaya and BMG. Murjaya also 
revealed an increase in sea levels predicted to reach 29 cm in 
2030. Ideally, this conclusion must be supported sinking island data 
stated that there are 2,000 islands in Indonesia, which altitude is less than 29 
cm above the sea at high tide. This statement of course requires 
further research and discussion. 

Although the number of Indonesian islands to be submerged due to unpredictable GW 
easily, the fact that sea levels continue to rise it can be 
result in loss of the island. The loss of the outermost small islands would change the line 
base which ultimately affects the status and extent of maritime areas of Indonesia (see 
Figure 2). This is a serious problem which is a threat to sovereignty 
(Sovereignty, related to the loss of the island) and the right of sovereign (sovereign rights, related areas 

Need to Worry or Not? 
Despite all the news about the GW-related increase in sea levels and loss 
note, caution is still necessary to avoid misunderstandings. 
One thing to note is the definition of the island under the UN Convention 
on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). In Article 121 of UNCLOS, it is stated that a 
islands have formed naturally, surrounded by water and is above sea level 
when the highest tide. Last condition, associated with the discipline of geodesy. This 
indicate that the island must always be above sea level, whatever 
occurs, regardless of sea surface height. That is, in defining the island or 
before declaring the island is lost, there must be understanding of ocean tides (pasut) is 

Monitoring of the island with remote sensing technology through satellite image interpretation, 
for example, has risks that must be well understood. One risk is 
use of images recorded at low tide. Consequently, it is possible 
there is an object of geography in the middle of the sea visible on satellite imagery such as islands, whereas 
geography object could have drowned when the highest tide. Such objects 
This can not be said of the island. Lack of understanding of this can lead to 
errors in looking at the phenomenon of rising sea levels and sinking 

The other thing with respect to the impact of GW is the maritime boundary with neighboring countries. 
Changes in sea levels can indeed change the configuration of the coastline at 
eventually change the baseline. Baselines could lead to changes 
changes in maritime claims but will NOT affect the maritime boundary line which 
ALREADY set out in treaties (agreements). This is in accordance with the provisions of the Vienna 
Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969, which exclude the treaty limit of [maritime] 
in terms of changes / cancellations. Other provisions that mendukug this is Vienna 
Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties 1978. 

In the Strait of Malacca, for example, Indonesia has agreed on a seabed boundary with 
Malaysia. This boundary line will not be affected by changes in shoreline / line 
base due to GW. However, changes of baseline is of course 
can affect the determination of the maritime boundary line that has not been agreed upon, such as 
delimitation of the exclusive economic zone in the Strait of Malacca. Simply put, change the line 
the base can affect the boundary line which will be agreed upon in the future, but 
no effect on the existing boundary line at this time. 

How to Fight the GW? 
There are countless reasons to fight GW, though certainly not easy. In 
context of an archipelagic country like Indonesia, maintaining sovereignty is one 
reason. The next question is, how to fight GW? Can a global phenomenon 
concerning the life of the entire planet Earth is affected or improved by 
individual action? It must be recognized that changes in levels of energy use 
the world is key in fight against GW. Unfortunately this is not in the hands of people 
but mostly on the power elite in the world. 

I can and do things you do is real small. I am reminded of the poem 
Taufik Ismail, who once sent a friend. Indeed there are times when we do not 
could be a banyan. At least we can be a shrub that grows in the lake 
or even grass, but grass which amplifies the road embankment. Although not 
such as Andrew Shepherd in the movie The American President who loudly 
said that the White House will send to Congress Resolution 455 which 
requires a 20% reduction of emissions of fossil fuels in 10 years, at least I can 
refusing plastic bags when buying a book. This simple act will not be as well 
immediately stop the GW, but like said Dewi Lestari, she could be a ball 
snow is getting bigger and influential than ever me and you 
imagine. What have you done to fight GW today?